Here come the days and time of when snow is supposed to fall in Berlin and how many models predict it...
Date, Place, Intensity, Type, How many models predicted it (there are 2)
Fr 12UTC, W Berlin, Moderate, Snow, l
Fr 15UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Fr 18UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Sa 3UTC, Berlin, Very light, Snow crystals, ll
Sa 21UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
So 0UTC, Berlin, Very light, Snow crystals, ll
So 12UTC, Berlin, Very light, Snow crystals, ll
So 15UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
So 18UTC, W Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
So 18UTC, E Berlin, very light, snow crystals, ll
So 21UTC, E Berlin, --,--,l
Mo 6UTC, W Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Mo 6UTC, E Berlin, very light, snow crystals, ll
Mo 9UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Mo 12UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Tu 3UTC, E Berlin, very light, snow crystals, l
Tu 6UTC, E Berlin, very light, snow crystals, l
Tu 12UTC, W Berlin, very light, snow crystals, ll
Tu 15UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Tu 18UTC, Berlin, Light, Snow, ll
Tu 21UTC, E Berlin, Very light, Snow crystals, ll