#1 by
, Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:34 am
This is the 06UTC forecast by different forecasting systems for Berlin.
The first column is Saturday, the second is Sunday. After the weekend the forecasts will be evaluated.
N 8 8
rSd 16 0
dd 100 110
ff 11 9
fx 0 0
Wv 0 6
Wn 0 6
PPP 1007.7 1003.1
TTm 12.1 10.9
TTn 8.0 9.3
TTd 8.0 8.9
RR 0.5 3.0
N 8 8
rSd 16 0
dd 100 100
ff 10 9
fx 0 0
Wv 0 6
Wn 0 6
PPP 1007.1 1003.5
TTm 12.1 11.0
TTn 7.7 8.6
TTd 8.2 7.7
RR 0.3 1.1
N 8 8
rSd 16 0
dd 100 130
ff 12 7
fx 0 0
Wv 0 6
Wn 0 6
PPP 1007.2 1005.5
TTm 11.1 9.9
TTn 7.3 7.6
TTd 7.5 7.7
RR 0.2 2.5
N 8 8
rSd 22 9
dd 100 130
ff 12 8
fx 0 0
Wv 0 6
Wn 0 6
PPP 1008.6 1006.0
TTm 12.1 11.0
TTn 8.2 9.1
TTd 7.4 8.7
RR 1.0 4.0
N 8 8
rSd 16 0
dd 100 120
ff 11 8
fx 0 0
Wv 0 6
Wn 0 6
PPP 1007.5 1003.9
TTm 11.8 10.6
TTn 7.8 8.7
TTd 7.8 8.5
RR 0.4 2.8
Linus Höller - President of M.I.L.K. weather
- Linus

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