Weather forecast for Berlin:
In the morning drizzle is possible, however in teh afternoon it is forecast to stay dry, however overcast. The weather will limit the maximum temperatures to quite low values once again. A maximum of 14°C, a minimum in the morning of 8°C, in the region this weather forecast is sent to however mainly 11°C morning temperature. There will not be any significant wind.
Tomorrow partly cloudy, partly sunny. Especailly in the afternoon however mmore clouds than sun. The temperatures will reach 12°C as a maximum and in the morning they will drop down to
7°C. Once more, no significant wind is forecast.
Saturday will, again, be partly cloudy, partly sunny, with the second half of the day being mainly cloudy. The temperatures will reach a maximum of 13°C, and in the morning the temperature will s(t)ink to 2°C. Theoretically, it could then snow (but it won’t)