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by Linus
18.01.2016 06:55
ESC is currently tracking a single storm in the north Atlantic, which may cause severe gusts up to 150km/h in Greenland, however will not affect Europe. In most of Europe, cold winter weather will presist and not much wind is expected.

by Linus
14.01.2016 06:08
The situation is still fairly calm in Europe, currently there is not a single windstorm in the region. However, a low pressure area over the UK is forecast to cause stormgusts today and tomorrow, and hence warnings and watches have been issued for the region.

by Linus
12.01.2016 06:26
The situation in Europe is currently fairly calm. However storm CAROLINA, currently located in the North Sea, is expected to bring some stormy weather to France and then further to central Europe. Also, towards the end of the 48h forecast period, a new storm is expected to make landfall in the northern Iberian peninsula and SW France.

by Linus
11.01.2016 05:41
The only storm currently in the region that MILK ESC observes is CAROLINA, located over the UK. However, a second storm, which will be named DANEILLA, will split off and move over France and the Iberean peninsula and further into the mediterranean. Further it might cause storm gusts in far eastern Europe early tomorrow morning. A storm watch has been issued for central Europe due to the possibility of a small storm system forming and moving into Germany.

by Linus
09.01.2016 08:38
Storm BRITTA, currently located over the North Atlantic, is at this time the only storm in the region that ESC observes. It is not especially strong, however a few warnings and watches have been issued.

by Linus
06.01.2016 06:53
Valid from: Now Until: /////
Issued by: Linus H. for M.I.L.K. Weather at: 2016.01.06, 06:50 MEZ
---------------------------------------------------------- Caution please due to the ongoing winter weather in Berlin and Brandenburg – slippery roads and an increased risk of accidents. Please note that dangerous driving conditions may continue to exist over the weekend, even though the air temperatures will be slightly above 0°C – the ground itself will remain frozen and hence rain might freeze when reaching the ground (black ice). Be careful! Stay Safe for more information, including real-time data.
by Linus
06.01.2016 06:05
ESC is currently tracking a nameless system located to the south of Iceland. It is calculated to have peak gusts above 120km/h, and will affect the western coast of Europe as well as the British Isles. Warnings and watches have been issued.

by Linus
05.01.2016 06:57
Currently there are no storm systems in the area that MILK ESC observes, and no storm systems are expected to make landfall within 24h. Below is the latest GFS peak gust analysis.

by Linus
29.12.2015 07:40
As the nameless severe storm that was the main issue yesterday is now moving away to the north, while still causing gusts around 160km/h on exposed Norwegian mountains, a new storm, named "ECKARD" is now approaching from the west. Even though the central pressure is still 973hPa, it is expeccted to drop to under 945hPa wihin the next few hours, and the wind speed is forecast to extremely pick up. Hence, there is a lot of wind to be expected in the British Isles. Below are the ESC Overview and the ESC Warnings and watches.

by Linus
28.12.2015 06:13
There is only one storm system within the ESC map currently, with a central pressure of 971hPa and gusts reaching up to 120km/h in the UK. However, a new storm system is forecast to come accross the Atlantic today, and bring a lot more wind - it will be in tomorrows ESC overview. For now, below are the ESC overview as well as the warnings and watches. Stay safe!

by Linus
27.12.2015 12:23
ESC Is currently tracking three storms in Europe and the northern atlantic. Storm DANIEL is now moving twoards the east, and is currently affecting the coast of Germany as well as Denmark. At the same time, there is a fairly powerful low pressure system near Greenland, with peak gusts close to 130km/h being reported from Greenland. Locally, higher wind speeds can be expected. Currently most concerning is the severe storm located to the southwest of Ireland, as it is expected to continue moving towards the northeast and hence affect the British Isles (and later the coast of Norway). Warnings and watches have been issued.

by Linus
26.12.2015 09:25
ESC is currently tracking only one single storm on the ESC overview map: Severe storm DANIEL. The wind field of Daniel is fairly strange, thanks to high pressure to the north and south of central Europe. Therefore the peak gust of DANIEL is currently 130km/h, and was registered in Poland. Othe than DANIEL, there are a couple of other areas throughout Europe in which there is currently strong wind, but that are not directly related to a single storm or the storm hasn't formed yet - warnings and watches have been issued for these areas. See below for the ESC maps!

by Linus
23.12.2015 06:00
A new storm has now entered the stage, and is currently located to the W of the British Isles. At the same time, the storms BJARNI and AREND continue to exist, and BJARNI has even intensified - reaching peak gusts of over 190km/h in Norway, and with a central pressure of now only 954hPa. Storm AREND has stayed just as powerful as yesterday, however the airpressure has slightly increased.

by Linus
22.12.2015 05:56
Windy weather is to be expected in (northern) Europe in the coming days, currently thanks to the severe storm BJARNI, which has already caused intense gusts over 170km/h in the UK. Warnings have been issued for large parts of Europe. Please note that the wind is usually strongest at the coasts, on mountains, open fields and other exposed places and that a warning does not mean that this intensity is expected everywhere in the country.

by Linus
21.12.2015 12:34
A lot is currently going on in Europe, with ESC tracking three storms at the same time, and having issued warnings for a large part of northern Europe. Please note that the strongest winds are always to be expected on mountains, at the coasts and in open areas. The storm to the west of Iceland is expected to lose its intensity, however the one to the south wil continue to move through Europe. See below for the ESC Overview!
