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by Linus
22.07.2015 15:38
Auf der Facbook-Seite "MILK Weather"
by Linus
22.07.2015 07:38

4 - Unwetter wahrscheinlich / Severe thunderstorms likely 3 - Unwetter möglich / Severe thunderstorms possible 2 - Gewitter wahrscheinlich / Thunderstorms likely 1 - Gewitter möglich / Thunderstorms possible
by Linus
19.07.2015 13:09
Findet man in der Kategorie "severe weather" - "warnings".
by Linus
19.07.2015 07:45
valid for: Berlin, and surrounding areas
Valid from: Sunday, 19.07.2015 06:00 MESZ until: Monday, 20.07.2015 02:00 MESZ
Issued by Linus H. for M.I.L.K. Skywatch at: Sunday, 19.07.2015 07:40MESZ
Before noon, some showers and THUNDERSTORMS are possible that can bring STORM GUSTS up to 88km/h, STRONG RAIN up to 25l/m² and possibly small HAIL. Some thunderstorms might even be more severe, with rain up to 30l/m². The THUNDERSTORMS are forecast to move in groups, resulting in possibly up to 50l/m² RAIN in 6 hours.
In the afternoon new THUNDERSTORMS might strike, however these are forecast to be more severe, featuring STORM GUSTS up to 120km/h, HAIL up to 3cm in diameter, and also RAIN up to 30l/m² in short periods of time.
This is an early warning. It is supposed to give you enough time to prepare for possibly damaging and dangerous severe weather events.
M.I.L.K. Skywatch / Linus H.
by Linus
19.07.2015 07:30

4 - Severe thunderstorms likely / Unwetter wahrscheinlich 3 - Severe thunderstorms possible / unwetter möglich 2 - Thunderstorms likely / Gewitter wahrscheinlich 1 - Thunderstorms possible / Gewitter möglich 0 - Thunderstorms unlikly / Gewitter unwahrscheinlich.
by Linus
19.07.2015 07:10

Storm Forecast Valid: Sun 19 Jul 2015 06:00 to Mon 20 Jul 2015 06:00 UTC Issued: Sun 19 Jul 2015 00:01 Forecaster: TASZAREK
A level 3 was issued for parts of Poland and W Belarus mainly for the damaging wind gusts, large and very hail, excessive precipitation and significant tornado event.
A level 2 was issued for parts of Germany, Poland, Belarus, NW Ukraine and N Czech Republic mainly for the severe wind gusts, large hail, tornadoes and excessive precipitation.
A level 1 was issued for parts of S Finland and parts of Russia mainly for the large hail and severe wind gusts.
A level 1 was issued for parts of UK, Netherlands, S Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, N Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, W Hungary, Belarus and NW Ukraine mainly for the large hail, severe wind gusts and excessive precipitation.
A level 1 was issued for NE Spain mainly for the large hail and excessive precipitation.
Most of the Central, SW, S and SE Europe is covered with highly unstable warm and moist tropical air mass with dew points up to 20C. A ridge extending from Azores up to Iberian Peninsula inhibits convection in this region. Strong capping inversions are also present in the Apennine and most of the Balkan Peninsula. Weakening high is places over Black Sea while the numerous troughs are located over British Isles, Scandinavia and N Russia. Jet streak separating polar and tropical air mass is stretching from the N Atlantic trough England, N Germany and Poland up to Russia. Within this jet, a short-wave with thermal low is predicted to provide a good overlap of instability, moisture, lift and wind shear over parts of Germany, Poland and Belarus.
...Germany, Poland, Belarus, NW Ukraine...
Particularly severe weather is expected in the afternoon hours within the shortwave that will pass these countries in the forecast period and provide the great source of lifting mechanism. An overlap of SB CAPE exceeding 1000-2000 J/kg and DLS over 20-25 m/s in the large area extending from central Germany up to Poland is expected to produce widespread severe weather. Around noon, convection should start over Germany and most likely in the form of the supercell thunderstorms produce damaging wind gusts and large to very large hail. An increased 0-1km SRH over 100 m2/s2 and LLS exceeding 10 m/s cannot rule out tornado occurrence within these cells. In the afternoon hours CI should also take place in W Poland. Since these cells will form in the highly unstable (1500-2000 J/kg) and strongly sheared environment (DLS ~ 25 m/s, MLS ~ 20 m/s, LLS ~ 15 m/s, 0-3km SRH up to 300 m2/s2) with the support of the QG lift, an organized squall line is likely to form. It is likely that such a squall line will contain bow echos and the wind gusts within these may exceed 33 m/s. The transformation into derecho cannot be ruled out. Level 3 denote the area where according to the current understanding and NWP data the movement of this line is the most probable. However, models are not consistent with the direction of the MCS movement, some of them predicts propagation of the squall line to the Belarus, while some of them shifts the system more to the warm air mass. It is possible that an early-hours convection that will pass through N Poland may provide conditions more conducive for MCS turning more to the S. Due to these uncertainties, both scenarios are partially included in the level 3 area. Although the main threat are damaging wind gusts, conditions in the late afternoon hours (when the relative humidity will drop and thus the LCL) will be conducive for tornadoes, especially in the E Poland. An impressive overlap of 0-1km SRH ~ 400 m2/s2 with LLS ~ 12.5 m/s and CAPE ~ 1000 J/kg may result in a significant tornado event if isolated or embedded supercells will be present. These may be possible in the southern flank of the squall line. Within these storms very large hail is also possible. It is predicted that the MCS will enter Belarus and parts of Ukraine in the late evening hours and weaken, but still will be capable of producing severe wind gusts. If derecho will form, the system may be capable of producing damaging wind gusts also in the late evening hours, therefore level 3 is also extended to the parts of Belarus further east. Extreme values of PW (40-45 mm) may also result in a large precipitation amounts on the track of the MCS. of UK, Denmark, Netherlands, N Germany, Baltic Sea...
Although models predicts very large DLS over these areas (25-30 m/s) they are not as consistent with thermodynamic instability. Thunderstorms that will form within the short-wave may become supercells and create threat for the large hail and severe wind gusts. However, due to limited thermodynamic instability, limited boundary layers moisture content and rather low-topped convection, such a threat deserves only level 1.
...Germany, Switzerland, N Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, W Hungary, Belarus and NW Ukraine...
Locally enhanced DLS up to 15 m/s with CAPE up to 2000-2500 J/kg and rich boundary layer's moisture (mixing ratio up to 12-13 g/kg) create threat for multicell and supercell thunderstorms where severe wind gusts and large hail are likely. DMC is forecast to start around noon and the storms should weaken in the late evening hours. In the areas where the storm motion is predicted to be very low (DLS below 10 m/s) excessive precipitation and local flash flooding cannot be ruled out, especially in the NW parts of the Italy.
...S Finland, parts of Russia...
Favorable overlap of DLS around 20 m/s and CAPE up to 400-600 J/kg create threat for supercell thunderstorms and thus severe wind gusts and large hail. Uncertainty related to CI, low thermodynamic instability, limited boundary layer's moisture content and narrow zone where the CAPE overlaps with the favorable shear makes the threat marginal. The highest threat for the occurrence of severe weather falls on the early afternoon hours.
...NE Spain...
Low-level inflow of impressive rich boundary layer's moisture content (mixing ratios up to 16-18 g/kg) overlapping with steep lapse rates (~ 7 C/km) locally will enhance CAPE values to 2000-2500 J/kg. If thunderstorms will be able to get through the cap, they may be capable of producing large hail. Since the storm motion in this area is predicted to be very low, given the high moisture content excessive precipitation cannot be ruled out.
copyright (c) - ESTOFEX
by Linus
18.07.2015 06:25
Valid from: Saturday, 18.07.2015. 06:00 MESZ until: Monday, 20.07.2015 02:00 MESZ
Issued by Linus Höller for MILK Skywatch / Weather at: Saturday, 18.07.2015. 06:15MESZ
Showers and thunderstorms coming from the NW. Storm gusts up to 88km/h as well as small hail and rain up to 20l/m² are possible.
BE CAUTIOUS: Storm gusts can topple trees, break off branches or damage roofs. Stay away from objects that might fall! Prepare for possible damage and take unsecured objects from the balcony/garden inside! In strong rain, the visibility when driving is significantly decreased. Stop at the side of the road (not in a ditch) and wait for the shower to pass! Make sure the vehicle can be clearly seen. Also flooding is possible. Stay away from low-lying areas, especially (when driving) from underpasses. There can be lightning strikes. A lightning strike brings a high risk of death! Contact the ambulance immediately. Stay inside during a thunderstorms. Lightning strikes can also cause fires. Make sure you know the phone number of the fire department (throughout the EU, 112 works as well as the national numbers, in Germany 112, in Austria 122). Hail can cause damage to crops, and large hail can damage roofs, windows and even facades of buildings as well as smashing windows and roofs of cars and damaging noses of aeroplanes. If you drive into hail, stop driving (best under a bridge) – do not stop under trees or other objects that could be toppled by the wind!
Linus Höller for M.I.L.K. Skywatch / Weather
by Linus
18.07.2015 05:26

4 - Severe thunderstorms likely / Unwetter wahrscheinlich 3 - Severe thunderstorms possible / Unwetter möglich 2 - Thunderstorms likely / Gewitter wahrscheinlich 1 - Thunderstorms possible / Gewitter möglich 0 - Thunderstorms unlikly / Gewitter unwahrscheinlich
by Linus
17.07.2015 07:10

0: Gewitter Unwahrscheinlich / Thunderstorms Unlikely 1: Gewitter Möglich / Thunderstorms possible 2: Gewitter wahrscheinlich / Thunderstorms likely 3: Unwetter möglich / Severe thunderstorms possible 4: Unwetter wahrscheinlich / Severe thunderstorms likely
by Linus
07.07.2015 18:16
In Hessen aktuell extreme Blitzrate und hefiger Starkregen, auch großer Hagel und Sturmböen sind warhscheinlich. M.I.L.K. Weather bittet um Vorsicht!
Den Live ticker finden sie unter der Kategorie "Severe Weather Reports - Warnings"
by Linus
07.07.2015 05:47

PURPLE: Extreme thunderstorms likely / Extreme Unwetter wahrscheinlich RED: Severe thunderstorms likely / Unwetter warhscheinlich ORANGE: Severe thunderstorms possible / Unwetter möglich YELLOW: Thunderstorms likely / Gewitter wahrscheinlich GREEN: Thunderstorms possible / Gewitter möglich BLUE: No thunderstorms expected / Keine Gewitter erwartet
by Linus
07.07.2015 05:36

Storm Forecast Valid: Tue 07 Jul 2015 06:00 to Wed 08 Jul 2015 06:00 UTC Issued: Mon 06 Jul 2015 22:27 Forecaster: TASZAREK / PUCIK
A level 2 was issued for parts of Germany, Switzerland and France, W Czech Republic, W Poland mainly for the damaging wind gusts, large and very large hail, excessive precipitation and in the lesser extent for the tornadoes.
A level 1 was issued for Denmark, Benelux, parts of France, Austria and Italy, E Poland and E Czech Republic mainly for the large hail and excessive precipitation.
A level 1 was issued for parts of Ukraine and Russia mainly for the large hail and severe wind gusts.
A cold front belonging to the trough over Ireland will enter W Europe. During the forecast period the trough will move towards Scandinavia and bring polar air mass to Central Europe. Another trough placed over Finland and Russia will weaken during the day but provide conditions for thunderstorms over these area. Ridge with tropical warm and moist air mass extends from Spain up to Austria. Most of the SW, S and SE Europe is covered with strongly capped tropical air mass where the CI is not likely. Jet streak with winds up to 50 m/s on the 300 hPa level extends from the Ireland, N France and Germany up to the Baltic Sea. This jet will overlap over parts of Central Europe with high boundary layer's moisture and thermodynamic instability thus providing favorable conditions for the severe weather outbreak. A shortwave is predicted by NWP models to pass during the forecast period through France, Benelux, Germany and Poland.
... E France, N Switzerland, SW to NE Germany, W Czech Republic, W Poland ...
In the warm advection regime, models simulate moisture return at the lower levels over the region in southwesterly flow. At the same time, a plume of steep lapse rates will be advected atop this layer, creating latent instability. As both lapse rates and low-level moisture increase southwards, so will CAPE values. These will range from a few hundreds J/kg over the northern part of Lvl 2 to perhaps up to 2000 J/kg of MLCAPE over the southern parts of Lvl 2, especially near the Alps, where lapse rates of over 8K/km are simulated. In conjunction with the approaching trough, mid-tropospheric flow will increase, resulting in 15 to 30 m/s of DLS over Level 2, with the highest values in the northern and western parts. Such overlap of CAPE and strong DLS will favor well-organized convection, including supercells and QLCS.
NWP is generally inconsistent regarding CAPE values and also regarding the degree and exact timing of initiation. It is possible that some isolated storms will already form in the early morning or noon hours. The highest threat of severe weather should come from the DMC being initiated along or ahead of the cold front in the late afternoon or evening hours. The first storms forming at the western fringe of Lvl 2 will likely organize into supercells, which will be capable of large hail and severe wind gusts. Very large hail will also be possible with supercells developing in areas with moderate to high CAPE especially over the southern half of Lvl 2. Towards the night, as storms quickly progress eastwards, it is possible that their clustering will yield a linear system with bowing segments. These would pose a threat of severe to extremely severe wind gusts. However, we are uncertain about the exact convective mode evolution and track of such system(s). Should the isolated convection persist, tornadoes will be possible in the evening with increasing LLS and decreasing LCLs.
...SE France, Austria, Italy, E Czech Republic...
In the weakly sheared environment, no good storm organization is predicted. However, locally the high CAPE values (up to 4000 J/kg) may itself create a risk for the occurrence of the large hail and severe wind gusts within the pulse thunderstorms. Since storm motion is weak and the PW values are very large (>40mm), excessive precipitation and local flash flooding cannot be ruled out, especially in the N Italy.
...NE France, Benelux, N Germany, Denmark, Poland...
Although models predicts very large DLS over these areas (25-30 m/s) they are not as consistent with CAPE values and CI. The most optimistic GFS predicts that in the NW Germany CAPE up to 2000 J/kg may overlap with 30 m/s DLS and > 10 m/s LLS. In such conditions if convection will occur, thunderstorms may quickly become supercells and create threat for the large and very large hail and tornadoes as well. If this scenario will come true, the highest threat will fall on the late evening hours. However, there is a high uncertainty whether the predicted thermodynamic instability by the GFS is correct, and due to this, we issue only a Lvl 1 for these area. The same problem concerns Poland where the CAPE prediction in the late evening and night hours is uncertain as well. However, thunderstorms will occur in this area most likely during the night and the convection will become elevated, therefore the degree for the severe weather will decrease. Severe wind gusts will remain to be the main threat. of Ukraine and Russia...
Thunderstorms are predicted to occur over the cold front approaching from the NW. The overlap of CAPE up to 2500 J/kg and DLS up to 15 m/s (in the area of the forecast domain) will likely organize convection into multicells. The main threat within these storms will be large hail and severe wind gusts. DMC is forecast to start around noon and the storms should weaken in the late evening hours.
by Linus
05.07.2015 17:33

Purple: Extreme thunderstorms likely / Extreme Unwetter wahrscheinlich Red: Severe thunderstorms likely / Unwetter wahrscheinlich Orange: Severe thunderstorms possible / Unwetter möglich Yellow: Thunderstorms likely / Gewitter warhscheinlich Green: Thunderstorms possible / Gewitter möglich
Note: We apologize for the late delivery of this forecast due to server problems this morning.