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by Ayush
02.06.2014 16:26
Go to Metro Alarm it is a good site!
by Ayush
02.06.2014 16:25
Go to MetroAlarm it is a good site
by Alexis
02.06.2014 11:26
Today, from right now!
by Linus
26.05.2014 20:26
Here is an overview of the current thunderstorms in Germany. Click to see the map (if you don't)
by Alexis
26.05.2014 11:46
Hurricane AMANDA major Hurricane, category 4 out of 5
by Alexis
26.05.2014 11:30
by Linus
23.05.2014 17:25
+++Extreme thunderstorm in Brandenburg and Saxony, including Cotbus and Hoyersverda+++
Extreme thunderstorm.
Conditions: Gusts: over 90km/h Rain: over 30lm² in short time Hail: Present
Danger: - lightning strikes - uprooted trees - damaged roofs - flooding - landslides - risk to people due to falling objects - hail damage
by Linus
23.05.2014 15:02
Radar update. The thunderstorms circled in red are warned for by MILK.
Possible risks in the Saxony thunderstorms - Trees uprooted - Roofs damaged - People injured due to falling branches, roof shingles or other objects - Flooding - Landslides
So: - close all doors and windows - secure all objects in the outside - try to stay inside if not needed otherwise
Weather in the thunderstorm Wind gusts: 85km/h Rain: 30mm in short time Hail: over 2cm in diameter
by Alexis
23.05.2014 14:54
Today, right now!
by Linus
23.05.2014 14:48
In Saxony. Possible risks in the Saxony thunderstorms - Trees uprooted - Roofs damaged - People injured due to falling branches, roof shingles or other objects - Flooding - Landslides So: - close all doors and windows - secure all objects in the outside - try to stay inside if not needed otherwise
by Linus
23.05.2014 14:42
+++Severe thunderstorm - most likely supercell in Sachsen - warning level raised!+++
Weather in the thunderstorm Wind gusts: 85km/h Rain: 30mm in short time Hail: over 2cm in diameter
Map. This map shows the two thunderstorms this warning was issued for.
by Alexis
23.05.2014 11:42
by Linus
22.05.2014 15:17
Immediate thunderstorm warning - severe weather. This thunderstorm warning is issued for the SE Quarter of the Saarland and the bordering regions of Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Storm gusts of up to 100km/h, 15mm to 25mm rain in 1 hour and small hail are possible in this thunderstorm complex.
by Alexis
22.05.2014 11:54
by Linus
21.05.2014 05:42
Extreme thunderstorms expected
Current warnings

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