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Newest observations have shown that the cold front of low “Stefan” is STRONGER THAN EXPECTED. Peak gusts near 90km/h can be expected. In the forecast for Berlin / Potsdam 60km/h were forecast – with this message, the forecast peak gust value is raised to 90km/h. Please be very cautious when you are outside! M.I.L.K. Skywatch / Weather www.milk-weather.org www.milk-stormchasers.de
Newest observations have shown that the cold front of low “Stefan” is STRONGER THAN EXPECTED. Peak gusts near 90km/h can be expected. In the forecast for Berlin / Potsdam 60km/h were forecast – with this message, the forecast peak gust value is raised to 90km/h. Please be very cautious when you are outside! M.I.L.K. Skywatch / Weather www.milk-weather.org www.milk-stormchasers.de
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